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About Us

Happiness can be found, even  in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Albus Dumbledore

Brittany Webberley and Ali Minter met in 2018 while their spouses were stationed at Fort Meade Army Base in Maryland.  Their relationship quickly blossomed into a kindred friendship. Coffee outings and play dates became a daily adventure that they would look forward to and cherish with their families. Watching their 6 children grow and become close to one another set in their hearts that this was more than a friendship, this was a family.  The idea of starting a candle business together came naturally to them, however, they wanted to be different than the other candle companies out there. They wanted to provide each service live as you the customer gets to interact and be a part of your candle making experience. So, jump on over to their Facebook page and check them out!


MW Candle Company is a home based, family run company working hard to provide you with products you'll love. 

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